What is the Form W-2G message I received after winning?
First of all, congratulations! If you saw a message just after winning, that's because your win must be reported to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
The first step in doing this is to complete a Form W-2G. Once you fill this in, enter your password and click on Submit, your winnings will be released to your account immediately.
You can also authorize us to securely store your details and auto-acknowledge the form on your behalf in the future, so your Form W-2G can be completed quicker on your subsequent wins and prevent any interruptions to your gaming session. To do this, simply check the box that you will get with your Form W-2G to allow us to store your Social Security Number and acknowledge any future forms.
Please be assured that all information recorded on this form, including your Social Security Number, is encrypted and kept completely secure on our computer system.
You can find any forms you need to complete and a history of forms provided to you by going to Menu > My Account > History > W2G, or by using the address below in your browser:
Our Customer Support Team can provide you with a spreadsheet report detailing your account activity for a requested period of time. Should you require this information for your records, please do not hesitate to contact us via our Live Chat service on the right of this page.
For further information on Form W-2G and reporting wins, please see the IRS site here.